Sunday, November 6, 2016

Giving Freedom for Christmas

There is a pile of toys available on the other side of the room...

...and here she is playing with an old box filled with give-away clothes. You all know its true; the best things in life are free. In short, children have no masks or pretenses and if we are humble enough we can learn from them.

I am already thinking of Christmas and all the cool things I want to buy to make my children happy. But today I am reminded that the human spirit craves simplicity and order and the freedom to explore, more than all the noise and flash and color that we try to dazzle it with.

As time goes on and we drift away from childhood we forget our way home to the things and the people who matter the most.

This holiday season, I am going to focus on the natural beauty of symbolism and provide an atmosphere of peace and simplicity at home. In the end, I don't want to add to anyone's burden of possessions, but give the gift of leaving them alone to discover things for themselves. It isn't easy for mothers to let things be, and I am certain they won't be giving me the same gift. But one can dream.

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