Friday, April 6, 2018

5 Life-Changing Benefits to Becoming Self-Aware

When you grow in self-realization, it’s like waking up slowly.

1. When you are growing in self-awareness you are better able to understand and empathize with others. You have in that place the opportunity to become more patient and forgiving of others foibles.

When you invest your time and effort in developing self-awareness and you learn to relate better with others, you find yourself trusting more, forgiving more, and deepening the human connections you’ve made.

2. A curious benefit arises from this however, and it comes from the fact that it is through quality relationships with others that we find out the most about ourselves. Our true selves are revealed as we allow those special few to draw close to us.  

Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, most of us are in positions of leadership.

Stop reading and think for a moment who looks up to you, is guided by you, or even relies on you for survival (children, friends or family dealing with addiction or depression, elderly parents etc.)

3. Self-awareness makes your leadership skills closer to what they need to be for each person that depends on you. You become better able to understand what their needs are and you can more clearly see the path to providing what is best for them.

We, in turn, are each guided in some way by our spouses, our siblings, our parents, bosses, friends, ministers, and law enforcers. The list goes on.

4. Knowing yourself well means you are open to appropriate and honest correction and instruction, are willing to learn, and are open to course correction. It means you are more gracious, humble, teachable, and that you will never travel life alone.

Because of your natural sense of public self-awareness, other people’s opinions about you will always matter to you. This is especially true regarding those in a close relationship with you.

There is a great deal of fear of judgement and condemnation that needs to be overcome if we wish to cultivate the relationships in our lives.
Knowing the inner man is one of the best ways to silence this fear of critique.

5. When you have come to a full knowledge and understanding of yourself, you will better be able to accept and process another person’s or group's opinions of you. You already know the truth, and there is nothing to fear.

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do no harm.”
-African proverb-

Children Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Leader Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash
Navigation Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

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