We all want it desperately and we will stop at nothing if we think it will bring fulfillment.
That's heavy. Lest I lose you here, I've gleaned some authentic, realistic food for thought. It's nothing more than habits that EVERYONE can adopt that requires no more than split-second decisions to start practicing. It's your choice. As cliche as it sounds, happiness is just a breath away.
1. Thankfulness. Give thanks every morning for whatever speck of blessing you can see. As you look, your eyes will see more goodness every day.
2. Forgiveness. Bitterness and anger, even when seemingly justified, suffocate the spirit like a bag over the head. Decide to forgive and move on. Forgiveness, much like gratitude, is a process. You make the choice to live in the light of these virtues and that is just the beginning. You must choose this existence every day. Some days it will be easier than others, but you will never find happiness otherwise.
4. Say Yes! In case you missed this, there is no gold within your comfort zone. Step outside your normal bounds of complacency and try something new. Push a little bit harder at the weights or on your run and light a fire for yourself or for someone who is watching you. Every little step counts. Try new food, meet a new friend, eat or shop at a different restaurant or grocery store. Change your story from lost to adventure. This is where the magic is and its the only way to live.
To recap: Gratitude is in the eyes of the beholder; when you start to look for goodness, only then will you find it. Forgiveness is a daily choice and brings intellectual, emotional, and spiritual light with it. Say NO to the requests that pull you from the path you need to be on. One-hundred bucks says that you are the person that you need to say no to most often. Nothing but mental, physical, and spiritual stagnation exists inside your comfort zone. Get comfortable with discomfort. Let your yes be a "Hell, Yes" and your no be a "Hell, no." Listen with all ears, release the iPhone, turn off the noise, and hold back criticism, opinion, gossip, and correction (especially in judgement of self). Slow your steps and your breath, and learn to experience all the little things you've been missing. Give yourself permission to feel what you are feeling.
What a smart girl and what a blessed mother!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Mrs. Shirey! And Thanks for reading.